Monday, January 25, 2016

The Importance Of Idols (My First Blog Post of 2016)

Yes this is my first blog post of 2016. I've been busy and haven't had anything that I wanted to talk about until now. 

So, I wanted to talk about the importance of idols in all of our lives because of an incident that happened with mine on her instagram a few days ago. We all have our idols. Mine is Lucy Hale. Idols help us get through tough times, they inspire us to do good and be better, they show us that everything will be ok and that not everything is bad, they make us smile when we feel we can't, and they are the friend that we need when no one else is there for us whether they know it or not. Idols are important to all of us. 

A couple days ago, Lucy posted this adorable picture on her instagram: 

Lucy was just holding this adorable bunny who happened to be a shade of purple. She was just giving it some love which is what we are supposed to do for animals and everyone. Anyway, as soon as she posted this picture, the hate started flowing from self promclaimed Vegans saying that Lucy was abusing that bunny because it was purple. So many saying animal abuse and others calling her an idiot and stupid for posting the picture, saying that they were unfollowing her and that she was a bad example to others. Then when Halers started to try and defend Lucy they got jumped all over by the haters. They were calling them stupid, idiots, obsessed, need to get a life, just because they were defending their Idol. Like the haters don't have idols themselves. This made me so mad. I posted my own picture of support for Lucy in response to all of this. It didn't get many likes at all for some reason which made me a little sad. The picture was part of a poem I wrote called "I am a Haler" and I thought more Halers would have been interested but I guess not but oh well I stated my support and love for Lucy no matter what and that's all that matters to me. I wish more people would have wanted to read my poem but nothing I can do about that. Anyway, I don't understand why or who would hate someone so sweet as Lucy? She is the best Idol I could have ever wanted. I will be turning 28 on this upcoming Sunday January 31st but I don't care how old I am I will always love and support Lucy. 

All of this hate made me so sad and mad. It had me feeling like this: 

It was just so uncalled for. Lucy would NEVER EVER hurt anyone or any animal. She's the sweetest, most kind hearted, loving, beautiful inside and out. She's a great role model and idol for everyone. I love Lucy so much and it kills me that she may never know just how much I love her and how much she means to me. I never got the chance to let her know when I met her almost 2 years ago. 

Anyway, there is no reason to bash on anyone's idols. You never know what a person is going through and their idol maybe the only reason they are alive right now as one of my all time favorite quotes says: 

Lucy didn't and doesn't deserve any of the hate that she gets. We need more people like Lucy in our world. I would be willing to bet that even that haters have idols that they look up to so hating on Lucy who happens to be so many people's idol including mine is just not funny at all and not something anyone should do. Idols have a very important purpose in all of our lives and our hearts. They are special and precious to us. Idols are important to everyone no matter who we are, where we're from, how old we are, and what have you, our idols are important to us. You are NEVER too old to have an idol and you are NEVER too old to be a fangirl or fanboy either! 

I love you so much Lucy! You mean more to me than you will ever know but I hope someday I will get to tell you just how much you mean to me. You have helped me hold on through so many tough times in my life and you will always have a special place in my heart and my life! 

~Peace and Love~ 

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